Laboratory |
Introduciton |
Photo |
G306 Materials Characterization and Analysis Lab
Lab. leader:
Equipment: X-ray、FE-SEM、Raman 、BET、TG&DSC
Introduciton: In this laboratory mainly provides undergraduatetand graduate students with advanced material testing and analysis. There are valuable instruments such as SEM, XRD, Raman, and BET available in the laboratory for students to perform material testing and analysis. Raman Spectroscopy: Using differernt wave length laser to perform spectral data analysis. XRD: Using X-rays for material crystal lattice diffraction analysis. SEM: Using an electron beam as a light source to capture microscopic images; elemental analysis can also be performed.
up: Micro Ramman
middle: XRD Bruker- D8A
Down: SEM-ZEISS Sigma300 |
G108 Advanced Chemical and Materials Practice Lab
Lab. leader: Kuo Wei Ting
Equipment: Samll sample injection molding machine、Universal Testing Machine
Introduciton: This laboratory mainly provides students with the basis of practical training for polymer processing from plastic raw materials to product preparation, to inspection and analysis of injected parts’ quality characteristics. It includes plastic injection molding practice, plastic injection product mechanical characteristic inspection and the interface characteristic detection and analysis of the plastic injection part. |
Micro-injection machine: Provides students with the preparation of plastic injection products |
E114 Chemical & Materials Engineering Lab.
Lab. leader: Tseng,Shen-Jhen |
Equipment: PVAC、Sol-gel、Mask Aligner、High Temperature Furnace
Introduciton: The laboratory focuses on training for undergraduate students in chemical engineering and materials science to solve practical problems in the field. The laboratory is equipped with unit operation and process control equipment, organic synthesis device, heat treatment equipment, mechanical property analyzer, and microstructural analysis instruments, allowing for a wide range of experiments in chemical and materials engineering. |
Metallographic Analysis |
E114a Applied Materials Research Lab.
Lab. leader: Don, Trong-Ming |
Equipment: Metrohm、Compact fuel cell test system、Electronic loading、Advanced electrochemical system
Introduciton: The Su group mainly focuses on environmental research covering catalysts, electrochemistry, and membranes for wastewater treatment and renewable energy. |
E114b Nanocomposite Thin Films Lab.
Lab. leader: Chang,Chao-Ching |
Equipment: Abrasive-Resisting Testing Machine、Brookfield Viscometer、Photochemical Reactor、Dip Coater、Freeze-dryer
Introduciton: Our group focuses on environmental-friendly preparation for organic-inorganic hybrid / nanocomposite thin films, nanofiltration (NF) / ultrafiltration (UF) membranes, and electrospun fibers. To replace the toxic solvents with non-toxic solvents is very important to industry. The effects of solution properties and preparation parameters on morphology and properties of these materials are investigated. |
non-toxic solvents to produce PES ultrafiltration membrane and electrospun fibers |
E114c Chemical Reaction Engineering Lab.
Lab. leader: Chemical Reaction Engineering Lab. |
The electrochemical laboratory focused on the research fields related to electrochemistry, including analytical electrochemistry, electrochromic materials and components, capacitive deionization technology, organic-inorganic hybrid materials, fuel cell catalysts, etc. The laboratory has advanced equipment and a professional research team and is committed to developing new materials and technologies to advance the development of the field of electrochemistry. Among them, electrochromic materials and components, capacitive deionization technology, organic-inorganic hybrid materials, and fuel cell catalysts are one of the core research projects. Through the accumulation and application of research results, the laboratory contributes to the development of the field of electrochemistry.
E115 Advanced Separation Technology Lab.
Lab. leader: Tseng,Shen-Jhen
Liao, Shu-Chuan |
Cross-flow filtration apparatus (including plan-sheet and membrane tube types)、Membrane bioreactor (including submerged membrane filtration apparatus)、onstant pressure dead-end filtration apparatus、 Centrifugal filtration apparatus Hydrocyclone、 UV/Visible spectrophotometer、Laser Scattering Particle sizer |
E116 Heat and Mass Transfer Lab.
Lab. leader: Wang,Yi-Wun Hsieh, Hsiao-Chi |
Equipment: 1. Unicam UV 300、Fluoromax-4 Spectrofluorometer、Malvern Zetamast
Introduciton: With the development of smart phones and telecommunications products, consumer electronics are the driving force for the growth of semiconductor manufacture. Electronic package becomes more and more important for multifunction requirements. Research area includes semiconductor package process, metal bonding, chip stacking, interfacial reactions and mechanical properties.
銲點界面微結構分析,電子顯微鏡圖、繞射圖譜以及X-ray相鑑定。 |
E117 Ceramic Materials Lab. I
Lab. leader: Yu,Hsuan-Fu |
Equipment: Hydrothermal reactor, Spin coater, Ball mill, High-speed centrifuge, Tube furnace, Muffle furnace, Freeze-dryer, Photocatalytic reactor
Introduciton: Use or develop various process (e.g., sol-gel, spray pyrolysis, combustion, … methods) to prepare ultrafine advanced ceramic (e.g., magnetic, photovoltaic, conducting, chemical ceramics) powders or films. Effects of process variables on the characteristics of the produced ceramic powder or film are investigated. |
Microstructure and photocatalytic ability of TiO2 films using gel-derived P/Si-TiO2 powder |
E118 Polymer Membranes Lab.
Lab. leader: Lai,Wei-Chi |
Equipment: UV Curing Machine、Spin Coater、Abrasive-resisting testing machine、Vacuum Evaporator、Contact angle tester、Membrane distillation apparatus、Hollow fiber spinning apparatus、Dead-end filtration system
Introduciton: The main research areas of this laboratory are research on the modification of polymer materials (thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers), preparation of solid electrolytes by electrospinning, preparation of polymer films by non-solvent-induced phase separation (NIPS), and colloidal electrolytes. Preparation and application and of phase transfer materials. |
Rheometer: It can investigate the rheological properties of materials such as elastic modulus and viscous modulus. |
E119 1 Optoelectronics semiconductor Lab 2.Electrochemistry Lab.
Lab. leader: Hsu,Shih-Chieh Lin,Cheng-Lan
Equipment: 1.Optical Microscope (Olympus BX51), polishing machine, Thermal Coating System 2.CH Instrument 760/611 electrochemical workstation, Rotating ring disk electrode, Spin Coater, Thin film measurement
Introduciton: The main research areas of this laboratory are optoelectronic semiconductors and electrochemical analysis. The main research content includes light-emitting diodes, development and fabrication of optoelectronic components, biosensors, electrochromic materials and battery material development.
2. The electrochemical laboratory focused on the research fields related to electrochemistry, including analytical electrochemistry, electrochromic materials and components, capacitive deionization technology, organic-inorganic hybrid materials, fuel cell catalysts, etc. The laboratory has advanced equipment and a professional research team and is committed to developing new materials and technologies to advance the development of the field of electrochemistry. Among them, electrochromic materials and components, capacitive deionization technology, organic-inorganic hybrid materials, and fuel cell catalysts are one of the core research projects. Through the accumulation and application of research results, the laboratory contributes to the development of the field of electrochemistry. |
Using the self-made SERS-active substrate by electrochemical method can approach extremely low concentration biological detection, and the EF is excellent. |
E120 Bio-based Polymers Lab
Lab. leader: Don,Trong-Ming |
Equipment: Centrifuger, Freeze-dryer, Homogenizer, Ultrasonicator, Incubator, UV-visible Spectrophotometer, Vacuum Oven, Planetary Mixer/ Deaerator, High Temperature Furnace, Brookfield Viscometer
Introduciton: In our lab., we focus on the research and development of bio-based polymers and their nanocomposites including chitosan, poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). Chitosan is applied as controlled drug-release carrier, wound dressing material and guided bone regeneration membrane. Polymer blends and nanocomposites of PLA and PHAs are fabricated to improve their thermal resistance and toughness. We also synthesize environmentally responsive block copolymers by living free radical polymerization which are used to prepare controlled drug carrier and wound dressing material. Moreover, dual-curable epoxy resins are synthesized for the applications in sealants, adhesives and anticorrosion coatings.
我們以幾丁聚醣和鈣磷酸鹽類製備了非對稱性牙周阻隔膜,同時具有表面緻密及多孔內部結構,緻密的表面帶給複合薄膜更強的機械性質,且讓材料的阻隔性更佳。當添加鈣磷酸鹽後,幾丁聚醣複合薄膜確實會具有更優異的引導骨母細胞再生特性。 |
E504 Process Simulation Lab.
Lab. leader: Chen,Yih-Hang Hsieh, Hsiao-Chi
我們的實驗室致力於探索人工智慧結合Aspen Plus和Aspen Dynamics第一原理模型應用於系統工程的軟儀表與模型預測控制方面的研究。 在這個研究方向上,我們的主要研究方向是如何利用人工智慧技術來改進化工製程優化方法,從而實現更加準確和高效的系統設計和優化。 具體來說,我們開發機器學習和深度學習等技術結合Aspen Plus和Aspen Dynamics模型的建立和優化進行模擬,進而將這些技術線上佈署於真實化工廠中的軟儀表和模型預測控制。 我們的研究團隊由系統工程師、機器學習專家和化學工程師等專業人員組成,擁有豐富的學術背景和實踐經驗。我們的研究工作得到了國科會和產業界的支持和贊助,並與國內的大專院校和台灣知名大型化工廠進行了廣泛的合作。我們的目標是通過學術和產業合作開發人工智慧技術,為系統工程師提供更加準確和高效的系統設計和優化方法,從而實現系統的智能化和高效運行。
E505 Process Research Lab.
Lab. leader: Chang,Hsuan |
本實驗室主要利用模擬軟體研究化工製程、綠色製程與能源程序,例如薄膜分離、二氧化碳捕捉、二氧化碳利用、甲醇製烯烴等之穩態與動態模擬、分析、設計、最佳化與控制。 |
Methanol-to-olefins via CO2 utilization |
E506 Polymer Simulation Lab.
Lab. leader: Lai,Wei-Chi Huang,Chao-Tsai
Equipment: POM
Introduciton: 本研究室主要提供學生進行高分子加工從塑膠原料至成品製備之虛擬實境模擬能量建立,特別是透過世界級Moldex3D 軟體進行塑膠射出成型之詳細製程剖析,包括:巨觀之充填、保壓、冷卻、翹曲分析。另外也可針對特殊射出成型製程,包括:含纖維複合材料射出成型之纖維微特徵分析、微細發炮射出、共色射出射出成型之特徵分析等等。讓同學可以從基礎高分子理論延伸至實務生產機制,更能深入探討產業輕量化,以及環保永續新製程創建。 |
Students can conduct detailed process simulation analysis of plastic injection molding, including: filling, packing, cooling, and warpage analysis. |
E818a Ceramic Materials Lab. II
Lab. leader: Yu,Hsuan-Fu |
Use or develop various process (e.g., sol-gel, spray pyrolysis, combustion, … methods) to prepare ultrafine advanced ceramic (e.g., magnetic, photovoltaic, conducting, chemical ceramics) powders or films. Effects of process variables on the characteristics of the produced ceramic powder or film are investigated. |
Microstructure and photocatalytic ability of TiO2 films using gel-derived P/Si-TiO2 powder |
E909-912 Separation Technology Lab.
Lab. leader: Ho,Chii-Dong |
Equipment: GC
Introduciton: (Separation technology laboratory) This laboratory offers potential research fields in separation processes implemented porous membranes on device performance such as membrane distillation, membrane dialysis, membrane extraction, carbon capture and petroleum refining, which were examined nexus the technical feasibility and economic benefits in industrial applications with the steady state as well as dynamic simulations. |
E121 Precision Instruments Room
Lab. leader: Tseng,Shen-Jhen |
Equipment: UV-Visible Spectrophotometer、GPC、Ultrasonic Processor、Static Light Scattering、Planetary Ball Mill、 Dissolution tester、Refractometer、Dynamic Light Scattering Nanoparticle Analyzer、Multi-Purposes Optical Measurement System 、Four-Point Probe、Electrospinning Equipments、E-gun、Personal Organic Synthesizer、DMA、TGA、TMA
E113a Data Analysis Room I E113b Data Analysis Room II E113c Chemical Storage Room |
Lab. leader: Chairman, Tseng,Shen-Jhen |